Did you know that in addition to domestic, european and worldwide rail tickets, escorted tours and signature holidays, Ffestiniog Travel also arranges flights?
For the longer flight routes, we can arrange stopovers en route or upgrade your seating arrangements from Economy up to Business Class, even to First if the cabin is available.
During our current tour programme, we will try our best to arrange connecting flights from your local airport the same day the tour departs. If connections are not suitable, in either direction, we can fly you pre/post-tour with the arrangement of an overnight airport hotel.
Please call one of our dedicated staff on 01766 512400 or, alternatively, please email us at info@ffestiniogtravel.co.uk
Please note that we cannot offer an instant quotation service. Each and every enquiry is handled personally by one of our skilled and specialist travel consultants who will use their experience and specialist knowledge to work out the most appropriate route, timings and tickets for your journey. The more detail that you can supply us the more tailored to your requirements your quotation will be. This may sometimes take a little longer than we would like but be assured of our personal service.